Oct 18th, 2014

This is the first of a several articles I am planing to write about service discovering in PHP environments, so let's start it.

The problem

Almost all apps needs to interact with external services (like databases or REST services). It's a fact. And they need some way to identify those services and the nodes that conform them. Usually, you put this info in a config file and your code just reads that file in order to know the database connection details.

The naive aproach described in the previous block has an important cons: it does not scale because every update requires a new deployment (due you're mixing code with configuration) of all the affected node (all the services depending on the updated ones)

The solution

As the official website says: "ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services". Why don't we delegate all the hard work to it?

ZooKeeper is a very raw tool, so I'd rather go with the Curator framework. It comes with a lot of recipes already implemented. Also, it has two very interesting extensions: 'Service Discovering' and 'Service Discovering Server'.

The 'Service Discovering' system provides a mechanism for:

  • Services to register their availability
  • Locating a single instance of a particular service
  • Notifying when the instances of a service change

The 'Service Discovery Server' bridges non-Java or legacy applications with the Curator Service Discovery exposing RESTful web services to register, remove, query, etc. services.

The architecture is simple: some ZooKeeper nodes will be the backend of the autodiscovering system and the frontend nodes will host an implementation of the 'Service Discovery Server'. Clients will interact with the frontend nodes using a simple curl-based sdk.

REST server implementation

The Curator website says "The Service Discovery Server provides JAX-RS components that can be incorporated into a container of your choice (Tomcat, Jetty, etc.). You can also choose any JAX-RS provider (Jersey, RESTEasy, etc.).". So let's try to create a simple jetty-based server exposing the JAX-RS components.

The first step is defining the project dependencies. Using the well-known maven project definition file, we must require the curator-x-service-discovery, the jetty-servlet, the jersey-servlet and the jersey-core. Also, we should configure the exec-maven-plugin and the maven-assembly-artifact in order to buld an executable fat-jar.

    <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">










Next, we must create a StringDiscoveryResource extending DiscoveryResource to bind the path "/" to the ContextResolver. Not funny at all.

public class StringDiscoveryResource extends DiscoveryResource<String> {
    public StringDiscoveryResource(
            @Context ContextResolver<DiscoveryContext<String>> resolver) {

Now we need to create an Application and set-up the curator framework and the service discovery. The curator framework will setup the connection to the ZooKeeper server. The ExponentialBackoffRetry strategy is the recomended one here.

CuratorFramework curatorFramework = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(
        configuration.getZkConnection(), new ExponentialBackoffRetry(
                1000, 3));

The Application also requires a service discovery instance from the curator framework

ServiceDiscovery<String> serviceDiscovery = new ServiceDiscoveryImpl<String>(
        curatorFramework, configuration.getZkBasePath(),
        new JsonInstanceSerializer<String>(String.class), null);

Our StringDiscoveryContext has to be instantiate too

context = new StringDiscoveryContext(serviceDiscovery,
        new RandomStrategy<String>(),

And the thread responsible for cleaning up the evicted STATIC nodes

instanceCleanup = new InstanceCleanup(serviceDiscovery,

Since we want to work with json encoded payloads, we must set up the json service instance marshaller

serviceInstanceMarshaller = new JsonServiceInstanceMarshaller<String>(context);
serviceInstancesMarshaller = new JsonServiceInstancesMarshaller<String>(context);

After playing with very boring stuff like the getSingletons() implementation and registering the StringDiscoveringResource, the Application comes out.

Time to coordinate the Application with the JettyServer! Pass the injected Application to the ServletContainer and register the context path and bind the servlet to the route "/*".

public void run() throws Exception {
        ServletContainer container = new ServletContainer(app);

        server = new Server(port);

        ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(
        context.addServlet(new ServletHolder(container), "/*");


The final step is to create a Main class with the static main method to create the Application and run the JettyServer.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Configuration config = new Configuration(args);
        JettyServer jetty = new JettyServer(new Application(config),

I am sure you have already detected I also created a Config class to encapsulate all the command line manipulation, so the Application remains as client agnostic as possible.

The complete suricate project is available on github. If you do not want any further customization, it could get the job done!

Setting up your environment

In devel, you just need to get a single ZooKeeper server running. Check the quick start help to get it done. Once you have your config, just run

$ /path/to/zk/$ bin/zkServer.sh start
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /home/kpacha/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Starting zookeeper ... STARTED

in production environments, you must think about what replication startegy fits you best. The complete documentation is here. Remember to properly set up your suricate servers to we aware of the multiserver architecture you are using.

Running the REST Server

Follow this instructions to build the fat-jar and then start the suricate server with

$ java -jar /path/to/suricate/target/suricate-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
 INFO [main] (Configuration.java:86) - Param [p]: 8080
 INFO [main] (Configuration.java:75) - Param [c]:
 INFO [main] (Configuration.java:75) - Param [b]: /suricate/service-directory
 INFO [main] (Configuration.java:86) - Param [t]: 15000
DEBUG [main] (Application.java:35) - Curator framework started!
 WARN [ConnectionStateManager-0] (ConnectionStateManager.java:174) - There are no ConnectionStateListeners registered.
DEBUG [main] (Application.java:40) - ServiceDiscovery started!
DEBUG [main] (Application.java:45) - DiscoveryContext started!
DEBUG [main] (Application.java:50) - SuricateInstanceCleanup started!
DEBUG [main] (Application.java:56) - Json marshallers started!
oct 19, 2014 5:53:36 PM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.11 12/09/2011 10:27 AM'

All the options are documented at the home of the project (https://github.com/kpacha/suricate#usage)
