
Mustache template module for Ninja framework based on the engine.

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Mustache template module for Ninja framework.

Mustache ( can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.

This is an easly plugable module for Ninja web framework to write templates using engine. based on the ninja-rythm module.

Getting started

1) Add the ninja-mustache dependency to your pom.xml:


2) Install the module in your conf.Module:

protected void configure() {


    install(new NinjaMustacheModule());



3) All set. Start writing template in 'views' folder of your application.

4) Or check out ninja-mustache-demo (in progress). Run any one of the below commands under demo:

mvn jetty:run
mvn tomcat7:run

Modify code/template -- Save -- Refresh browser. Enjoy!


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